

Wizz Air to remain on the Ukrainian market


Wizz Air Ukraine company which is a part of Wizz Air group said that the new procedure of issuing permissions for air routes will allow to keep the current air routes.

“During today’s meeting in the Ministry of Infrastructure the head of the Ukrainian State Air Traffic Service Enterprise specified that the new order will allow air companies to keep the current routes for regular air transportations. If the air company plans to apply for new routes it will have to comply with the provisions of the new law,” said the air company.

“However, we are concerned about the fact that the requirement to carry out domestic routes will not allow to expand our network of international flights at the affordable prices. We did not also receive the answer why our destinations from Kyiv to Rome, Warsaw and Budapest were not approved by the head of the Ukrainian State Air Traffic Service Enterprise, which is necessary to carry out these flights,” noted the company.

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