

PGO investigates Korolevska and Yefremov for allegedly funding separatism

PGO investigates Korolevska and Yefremov for allegedly funding separatism
Photo: Facebook

The Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine (PGO) is investigating the alleged involvement of MP Natalia Korolevska (Opposition Bloc's faction) and former member of Party of Regions Oleksandr Yefremov, in funding separatism.

"We have registered the criminal proceeding about four days ago indeed, and the investigation is being conducted due to MP Iryna Heraschenko's address to media... The investigation is being conducted. For now, I can't say how much evidence has been gathered. All the facts of the criminal proceeding are being examined," Prosecutor General Vitaliy Yarema said at a briefing on Friday, when answering a question on whether the prosecutor's office had gathered evidence of Korolevska and Yefremov's alleged involvement in funding separatism.

Previously, senior aid to the Prosecutor General Valeriy Karpuntsov wrote on his Facebook page: "Due to the considerable amount of public attention and the necessity for an urgent reaction to cases of separatism, I signed the corresponding report for the Prosecutor General. On January 6, Prosecutor General Vitaliy Yarema tasked [his] first deputy with registering the case in the unified registry of pre-trial investigations and hold a pre-trial investigation into possible involvement in separatism and the funding of illegal armed formations by Yefremov, Korolevska and others. The Prosecutor General will personally oversee this issue."

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