

Turchynov announced dissolution of the coalition

Turchynov announced dissolution of the coalition

VR Speaker Oleksandr Turchynov officially announced dissolution of European Сhoice parliamentary coalition, which consisted of the deputy factions.

“Today, on July 24, 2014 at a plenary session MPs of UDAR and Svoboda announced exit of the deputy factions from coalition and filed the documents with their signatures… 19 members of the parliament also announced their exit from coalition and submitted the documents. In connection with this I announce dissolution of the coalition of the Verkhovna Rada of the Seventh Convocation,” he said at the VR session in the evening.

As Capital reported, earlier today UDAR and Svoboda factions announced their exit from coalition. Such decision was explained by unreadiness of the parliament to “work constructively”.

Moreover, 19 independent MPs also announced their exit from coalition.

Source: RBC-Ukraine
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