

State Property Fund prepares Azovmash for privatization this year


The State Property Fund of Ukraine included largest mechanical engineering company of the country Azovmash (Mariupol, Donetsk oblast) into the list of the objects, which will be prepared for privatization this year.

The corresponding order of acting head of the fund Dmytro Parfenenko was issued August 14.

This order was issued to execute the governmental order No. 667-r, which approved the list of the objects to be privatized in 2014, since July 17 2013, according to the fund.

Azovmash (Azovmashinvest Holding) is one of the largest mechanical engineering complexes in Ukraine. It is known as the supplier of the railway cars and platforms, fuel trucks, haulers, metallurgical, mining and crane equipment on the world market. The main type of the company activity is car building.

The State Property Fund of Ukraine holds 50%+1 shares of Azovmash, the company of Azovmash-Azovmashinvest Holding Limited group (Cyprus) owns the other 50% shares.

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