

Jean Tirole Gets Nobel Prize in Economy for Analysis of Market Regulation

Jean Tirole Gets Nobel Prize in Economy for Analysis of Market Regulation

The 2014 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel was awarded to Jean Tirole "for his analysis of market power and regulation," the Swedish Academy of Sciences said Monday.

Sixty-one-year-old Jean Tirole is a French professor, chairman of the board of the Jean-Jacques Laffont Foundation at the Toulouse School of Economics, scientific director of the Industrial Economics Institute and founding member of the Institute for Advanced Study in Toulouse.

Tirole has published over two hundred articles, as well as ten books in economics and finance.

He mainly focuses on the so-called game theory (a study of strategic decision making), industrial organization, banking and finance.

The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel has been awarded to 75 laureates since 1969. The prize is awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences according to the same principles as for the other Nobel Prizes.

Source: RIA Novosti
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