

NBU upgraded ratings of gold and forex reserves by US $185 mn

NBU upgraded ratings of gold and forex reserves by US $185 mn

As of October 1, the National Bank of Ukraine upgraded ratings of gold and forex reserves by US $185.2 mn to US $16.4 bn instead of earlier announced US $16.2 bn, reported NBU.

It is specified that the growth of gold and forex reserves amounted to US $457 mn in September. Since the beginning of 2014 (in January-September) the gold and forex reserves of NBU decreased by 19.75% or US $4.03 bn from US $20.4 bn to US $16.4 bn.

As a reminder, as of September 1, the NBU upgraded ratings of gold and forex reserves by US $96.5 mn to US $15.93 bn instead of US $15.83 bn announced earlier.

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