

Motor Sich will build 13 Mi-8 helicopters for Ukrainian troops


Motor Sich company from Zaporizhia will build 13 Mi-8 helicopters for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the National Guard, said Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko while visiting production facilities of the enterprise on Tuesday.

He said that a state order had been placed at the company to build 10 helicopters for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and three for the National Guard, the presidential press service reported.

«Everything is being done to create jobs for workers and make the Ukrainian army strong,» the president said.

The modernization and re-equipment of the Ukrainian army today with the assistance of Ukrainian defense enterprises will greatly enhance the country’s defense potential, he said.

«I have no doubt that the modernized army will be able to protect us,» he said.

Poroshenko visited the enterprise’s assembly shop and inspected Motor Sich’s Mi-8 helicopters.

Source: Interfax-Ukraine

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