
banking sector

NBU denies uncontrolled hryvnia emission

1 18352

The National Bank denies the lately spread information about uncontrolled emission of hryvnia, reported the regulator on its Facebook.

The volume of the monetary base, i.e. issued money, amounts to UAH 330.5 bn (US $21 bn), according to the NBU’s monthly information.

At that, the monetary base increased by UAH 23.4 bn (US $1.49 bn) or by 7.6% since the beginning of the year.

NBU emphasized that the procedure of money emission in Ukraine is strictly regulated.

“The procedure is carried out only in non-cash form by crediting the corresponding amount of funds to the correspondent accounts of banks in NBU. On the contrary, when money is withdrawn from circulation, the corresponding amount will be debited to these accounts,” explained the regulator.

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semen ___
semen ___ 01 December 2014, 10:00

Это сейчас новые веяния такие. Нацбанк сперва все долго отрицает, но потом все-таки признает. Историю с продажей золотых запасов все еще хорошо помнят, к новым "признаниям" НБУ готовы.
